Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Smoothy Sailing

There are times when your faith is restored through the independent actions of others. I recently became President of Hillel at Temple University, Temple's Jewish Student Union. To be honest, it has been adding to my stresses for the past few months, and I was beginning to lose sight of why I wanted to do it in the first place. Then, out of the clear blue, came tonight. Tonight was a social event put on by one of my peers on the student board, Ms. Megan Baumel. The event was titled "Smoothies on the Roof", well due to the inclement weather it became just "Smoothies with a breif foray into the roof. As a way to connect with other faith based groups on campus we decided to invite the Newman Center at Temple University. Well, apparently smoothies are quite popular as we has an AMAZING turn out. Somewhere along the lines of 60ish people showed up and we (and by that I mean me) had to run out to get more smoothie supplies. A fair amount of my fraternity brothers were there as well. All in all it was quite a fantastic event.

Watching all of those different people interact and enjoy themselves in the Edward H. Rosen Center for Jewish Life at Temple University helped me to realize why I wanted to be a leader in the organization in the first place. Thank you to everyone who showed up and thanks especially to Megan Baumel, who really put it all together. It is times like these that rekindle old motivations.


  1. congratulations on your milestone as Hillel presidents. Now I can recognize you in public!

  2. Mazel tov on the election! See how much can be accomplished even without dirty campaign adds?

    Also, for all your smoothie needs: I advise the Blendtec blender: http://www.blendtec.com/

  3. You can, you can! I am quite happy to be Regent of Jewish life on campus. As for that blender... hmm...
