Monday, March 22, 2010

An Ambiguous Title

As I am about to lay my head down to rest for the night, I can't help but realize that I have left out a very important part of my desire to blog: Namely that I want to chronicle my experiences. While a journal would most certainly be more appropriate (and dare I say, more private) it would be more easily lost... and to be perfectly honest, there is something very sexy (for lack of a better word) in the notion of putting thoughts out there for the whole world to peruse.

As I re-read my old and technologically outdated hard-bound journals, I cannot help but realize that I have come a long way from my childhood. The past few years have been very tumultuous and yet some of the happiest times of my life. Perspective is an amazing thing and I can clearly see the path that I have traveled that has led me to the person that I am today. I have set out a path for myself that I hope will pan out.

It is ironic that I use the word "path", as the year long Israel program that I participated in after I graduated High School was called "Nativ" which translates quite appropriately as "path". I also distinctly remember the amud cover (table cover) in the chapel of our building... it had a quote from the Torah service (which in turn is taken from the book of Proverbs/Mishlei) sewn onto it it went something like this:

"Etz chayim hi lamachazikim ba,
Vetomecheha me-ushar.
Deracheha - d'rechei no-am,
Vechol netivotecha shalom…

This piece of text roughly translates as:

"It (The Torah) is a tree of Life to those that hold tightly onto it,
and those who grasp it are enriched by it.
The Torah's ways are the ways of pleasantry,
and all of it's paths are of peace."

It would appear that this has become an unintentional D'var Teffilah (a speech expounding on a Jewish Prayer). However, I truly feel as though this is a piece of text that we can all relate to, and, more specifically, it happens to relate to the notoriously ambiguous title of my blog! *AHA* Anywho, according to this text, it is not only appropriate to live one's life through the lens of Torah, but to those who truly stand by it are enriched by utilizing the tradition this way. For, someone who grasps the Torah (and by extension Jewish practice and thought), they are meant to follow in the ways proscribed. What ways? Well the text answers that too! It would seem that the second piece is arguing that the those who follow thusly will be rewarded with a pleasant and peaceful life.

While the last part might be a stretch, this text fits nicely in what I see this blog helping me to accomplish. I have set out these past few years intending to grow Jewishly and "improve my menschlichkeit" or grow into becoming a better person. I can't say that I will ever be where I absolutely strive to be, but striving is part of the quest. As the Rabbis teach us, "In a place where there is no one to stand up for what is right, strive to do what is right". (Granted that is a liberal translation of the text.) I guess this place can help provide an outlet for me to strive to improve myself... This could be anything... I could be anything.

Well enough musings for one night!

Lilah Tov! (Good Night!)
