Monday, October 11, 2010

Keepin' it Kosh'

Have you ever noticed that there are times that certain themes become more prevalent in your life? For example: you are doing a presentation on hammerhead sharks for your science class and you begin reading up on their behaviors and habits and such. Then, you are perusing what's on TV and notice a "Nature Special" on hammerheads. Then the topic of hammerhead sharks comes up in conversation a few day later independently of you. It would seem that a higher power or some kind of serendipity has been toying with your life. Is it that these thematic elements are merely coincidental? Or could they merely always be present and we only make such connections when our minds are more sensitive to a particular topic? Is there some serendipitous force that provides "thematic" experiences for us throughout our lives?

One such theme that seems to be recurring through my life at the moment is that of כשרות, or Kashrut (Jewish Dietary Laws). I have been serving as one of the student mashgichim for Hillel at Temple University's new kosher operation since last year. At first we only were serving meals for shabbat and the holidays but as the final stages of the kitchen installation have become complete, we are preparing for a full kosher meal plan at Temple. Not only will this provide a great opportunity for the students on campus to explore kosher dining, but it can and will serve as a real draw for new students who are interested in living a more observant lifestyle. This is most certainly serve as a foot in the door to provide future growth for the Jewish community at Temple. The truth of the matter is that Temple can, and foreseeable will, become an inexpensive (albeit in-state only) alternative for observant Jewish students looking for a good education at a good price. I am only sorry that I will not be here for the inevitable growth that the Jewish community will see in the coming years.

I have recently taken on the position of Head Student Masgiach, which essentially means that I am responsible for scheduling the other student mashgichim's hours. As a result of taking on this responsibility I have been having many meetings about the Kosher operation at Temple Hillel. Pretty soon we will be running training sessions for students interested in serving as mashgichim. I am very excited for the weeks to come!!

In a related note... the theme of kashrut has carried over into other parts of my life. In another one of my professional lives no less! I teach hebrew school at Society Hill Synagogue and we have something (ironically) called "Theme Group". The last half hour of every hebrew school session is reserved for a special topics of sorts in which each teacher imparts some aspect of Jewish living, history, experience, etc... upon their students. In quite an ironic move, the topic of Kashrut was thrust upon me a few weeks ago to teach to my students. I suppose I am qualified?

This is just one of those times that a "theme" of sorts becomes prevalent in one's life and experiences... I guess I am just going to have to "Keep it Kosh" for the time being.

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