Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I can go the distance!

Who could ever know that one semester could be so important in one person's life? I frequently manage to find myself bogged down by various things and responsibilities semester after semester. While I am by no means complaining, as being busy is much much better than not being productive. No matter the semester I always manage to find myself feeling like not enough butter spread over too much toast. While there is plenty of Andy... sometimes I feel as though there really is not enough for all that needs to be done.

I have recently rediscovered the soundtrack from the disney movie "Hercules", and on it is a particular song entitled "I can go the distance." Consequently I have found myself listening to it more than any other song in my music library. It is a theme song of sorts that I feel appropriately describes much of what I have been feeling lately. For those who have not seen the movie or are not familiar with the song, it is about a young Greek demigod hero who is seeking his place in life. While I am neither Greek nor a demigod, I can certainly identify with a young man who is looking to find his niche in life. I am at a crossroads of sorts... I feel too old to really still be in college but simultaneously I can't help but think that I am too young to really be making my way in life. At what point does a person feel as though they are ready to take on the world?

I have been struggling with this idea for much of my collegiate career. I have tried to live my life in the vein of religio-ethical conduct. While I don't think I have always succeeded, I do feel as though I have made the effort I have endeavored to make myself the best person I can possibly strive to become. I guess this brings me back to the pivotal question: What does it really mean to be a mensch? The four years that I have spent at Temple I have spent attempting to be older than I really am, and now that I AM older I might be second guessing that decision. There is something to be said about being young and enjoying one's youth.

It should be noted that I am happy with the person that I have become and I am by no means upset at the way in which I have conducted myself in college. I am just at another transitory stage in my life and I am reflecting on decisions made and the past four years of my life. As I said earlier, Temple was by no means my first choice, but it most certainly was a good choice. I have grown here and I feel as though I have made an impact on this campus. For better or for worse North Philadelphia has been my home for the past 3.5 years and it will honestly be sad to leave. The changes, specifically in the Jewish community, have been great and I can only speculate as to where it will go from here.

I would like to thank everyone at Temple for helping to make my time here meaningful... But now it is time to look to the future and embrace whatever may come.

Here's to going the distance...


  1. I only disagree with one thing: I think you are a demigod!

  2. So do my parents incidentally...
