Friday, April 2, 2010

This is the Blog of Affliction

As this past Monday evening marked the beginning of the Hag HaMatzot or the "Festival of the Matzah"! That's right Passover time is upon us! An entire week of eating gluten free or matzah based products is well underway. (On a side note, my girlfriend loves this holiday as she is a celiac and cannot properly digest wheat gluten all year round, so the rest of the Jewish community is forced to eat in a similar manner to her normally. Also, this is the only time of the year that she can stock up on yummy kosher meat products such as chicken nuggets.) Any-who, my first few days of the holiday were more hectic than usual as I was busy busy busy with so many things!

Let's have a run down of my week, shall we?

As the holiday did not start until sun down on Monday, I was able to go to classes that day. There is a marked difference between ability and action. I was actually unable to go to classes on Monday as I was needed at home to pack up my room. No, I am not moving... BUT there are many repairs that need to be done after my room was, rather rudely, invaded by the snow this past winter. Thankfully the insurance is helping us out and the repairs have begun this week... BUT I needed to pack up everything so the repairmen could empty out my room in preparation for the repairs. Accordingly, I went home instead of going to class. That is not before I went to be a mashgiach (kashrut supervisor) for Hillel. I woke up very early in the morning in order to be in the kitchen to help the cook make food for Passover (which was a running theme this week, so it seems).
I immediately went home after my shift in the kitchen and began to pack up my room. My mother was in the kitchen at home making yummy Passover foods such as, Brisket and Kugel in preparation for our seder that night. Father came home and we packed up our food and we went to Rhona's, our family friend, house for the first seder. The seder was anything but conventional and the group was eclectic... but a good time was had by all. There was chopped liver, chicken, brisket, kugel, "red sea" soup (chicken-matzah ball soup with red peppers in it), gravlox, and probably much more... It was quite a feast to be sure. Instead of the traditional singing fare, there were parodies of show-tunes that featured Passover content. While I did miss some of the more traditional songs, I was having a rollicking good time singing these parodies with all those assembled.
It was very late by the time that I got back to campus... and I had to wake up early the next morning so I could masgiach again!

I awoke rather early this past Tuesday morning, around 7am So I could ready myself and acquire a key to the old Hillel building that we were cooking in. I managed to find said Key and I spent the day from 9am until 4:30 working on supervising the food prep at Hillel. The cook-lady was a great help and good company. Tanya truly is a sweetheart.

After my day of running around and making sure that everything remained "kosh", I attempted to return to my room for a quick nap. This was ultimately unsuccessful as I engaged in conversation with my residents for a good portion of that time... I then made my way over to the new Hillel Building to prep the room for the second Seder, which I was leading! That seder began at 8pm and I think it went really well. I took my time to explain all of the symbolism present in the seder. We sang a bit, did some tableau's of each of the scenes in the seders, and ate some yummy foods. Of course, I made a point to read aloud the piece about Matzah being the "bread of affliction" to the crowd as my Brooklynese Zayda always does. I got a kick out of it... but I don't think anyone else did. I also made a point to challenge everyone there to think about what they are personally slaves to in their lives... as the text of the Haggadah states that "we WERE slaves". But is that really true? I got some answers, but it was more of a thought provoking piece. Alas, I did not finish at Hillel until 11:30 at night, then I needed to relax for a bit in order to unwind from the day. BUT I had to wake up again to assist with cooking again!

I again awoke rather early to a luscious breakfast of cottage cheese and Kosher for Passover cereal. YUM. I then made my way over to the kitchen to assist in cooking again! There was much food left over as it would seem that we were not getting as big of a crowd as we could have. I finished my shift at 4:30 again, and I made my way back to my room and I attempted to nap.

I then had a staff meeting after the holiday...

Anyway, that's how my week started. To be honest, I am still rather sleep deprived but I am happy that we have options for Jews to be Jews on the Holidays here. I might be a little behind on my work, but I am happy.

Let's make it through the rest of the week without too much strain and may the Matzah be with you...

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