Friday, April 9, 2010

A Little Chicken Soup for the Mensch's Soul

In the Jewish folk tradition chicken soup is considered to be an all restorative medicine capable of healing everything from a headache to a fever. In the tradition of the great books full of stories of hope and optimism, I present to you some good old fashioned Jewish humor... found in one of the most unlikely of places: an episode of "The Simpsons". The episode in question can be found here . While viewing this... don't expect something light and hopeful; rather, go in expecting to laugh your tushy off! It is rather off color and the really funny stuff is in Hebrew... BUT this might mean that we are coming to the mainstream. Well, I would say that Jews and Jewish culture have always been (in my lifetime) in the mainstream; however, this is something else.

Shabbat Shalom, and Enjoy!

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